Wednesday, October 05, 2005

"If Rome Was Built Today It Would Be Built Using Insulated Concrete Forms!"

Imagine . . .

What would you think if we said that a home could have:

Heating bills 35%-60% less.

Weather resistance that will stand up to hurricane force winds, and is rated to withstand earthquakes.

The ultimate fire resistance insofar that some insurance companies decide to give a 20% (or more) discount on a homeowners' policy.

Healthy indoor air quality, essentially free from dust and pollen.

A guarantee to never get dry-rot, or be infested by termites or carpenter ants.

Recycled material components that save in average 15 trees per home when constructed.

Reduced exterior wall sound transmission by more than 65% so barking dogs, lawn mowers, and even airplanes are reduced to a whisper.

The most amazing thing of all, is that this technology is available right here, right now and it costs only a little more than a conventional wood built house.

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