Your chance to take an insider look at the custom home building and renovating scene...
Wednesday, October 05, 2011
Garden & home builder (Volume 4)

Tuesday, October 04, 2011
A Wing Design Method for Aerospace Students and Home Builders: Strength, Weight, Flutter, Divergence, Buckling, Deflection, and Twist

The Green Home: A Decision Making Guide for Owners and Builders

Dictionary of French Building Terms - Essential for Renovators, Builders and Home-Owners

Affordable Housing: A Resource Guide to Alternative and Factory-Built Homes, New Technologies, and the Owner Builder Option
Black & Decker The Complete Outdoor Builder: From Arbors to Walkways: 150 DIY Projects

Monday, October 03, 2011
Home Builders of Tomorrow
Contracts With the Trades: Scope of Work Models for Home Builders

Basic Business Management: A Guide for Small Volume Home Builders

Green from the Ground Up: Sustainable, Healthy, and Energy-Efficient Home Construction (Builder's Guide)

Daily Field Guide: A Logbook for Home Builders, Second Edition

Dream Homes Georgia: An Exclusive Showcase of Georgia's Finest Architects, Designers and Builders

Loaded with hundreds of photographs of high-end custom homes, these gorgeous books are a treat for lovers of residential architecture and a resource for people planning to build their own one-of-a-kind houses. Profiles of top architects and information on local builders and suppliers provide an overview of regional styles and preferences in each city.
Atlanta, Savannah, Sea Island, and St. Simons Island are featured in this collection of stunning custom homes in Georgia. Architects profiled include Bill Harrison, Norm Askins, and William T. Baker, and builders profiles include James Cotton of Builders II; Dean Johnson of Johnson, Williams and Harris; and Harry Beecham of Beecham Builders.
Sunday, October 02, 2011
NAHB's Home Builder's Handbook

Who better to meet the needs of the home builder than the organization that represents more than 200,000 home builders nationwide? In The NAHB Homebuilder’s Handbook, the NAHB has collected its industry expertise into one comprehensive resource just for your needs. This quick-answer guidebook helps you problem-solve in every area of your business. You get solutions that streamline your work, cut costs, and save you time -- in the office and onsite.
Look between its pages for:
Checklists, up-to-date code information, and technical data in an at-a-glance format
Budget-sparing safety and regulatory solutions
Guidelines for estimating, scheduling, quality control, and boosting sales
A handy set of personalized management, accounting, and business tools just for home builders
Reliable guidance on contractual and legal issues
Commercial Building: An Introduction for Home Builders
The Contractor's Legal Kit: The Complete User-Friendly Legal Guide for Home Builders and Remodelers

Contractors will never again be without the legal information they need. This user-friendly guide for home builders and remodelers includes a free CD-ROM with legal forms and contracts available to copy and adapt for their needs.
Housing construction process flow manual: a manual to help small-volume home builders plan, schedule, and monitor construction


Joseph Eichler, a truly progressive builder, whose untiring efforts have advanced greatly the concepts of todays development houses, this book is respectfully dedicated.
Home Esteem Builders: Activities Designed to Strengthen the Partnership Between the Home and School
Saturday, October 01, 2011
Sales and Marketing Checklists for Profit-Driven Home Builders

Estimating With Excel: Unlocking the Power for Home Builders, 2nd Edition

Carpentry and Interior Finish: More Tricks of the Trade from an Old-Style Carpenter (Home Builder's Library)

Homeowner Manual : A Template for Home Builders 2nd Edition

Carpentry and Exterior Finish: Some Tricks of the Trade from an Old-Style Carpenter (Home Builder's Library)
Documents, Contracts, and Worksheets for Home Builders