Your chance to take an insider look at the custom home building and renovating scene...
Wednesday, October 05, 2011
Garden & home builder (Volume 4)

Tuesday, October 04, 2011
A Wing Design Method for Aerospace Students and Home Builders: Strength, Weight, Flutter, Divergence, Buckling, Deflection, and Twist

The Green Home: A Decision Making Guide for Owners and Builders

Dictionary of French Building Terms - Essential for Renovators, Builders and Home-Owners

Affordable Housing: A Resource Guide to Alternative and Factory-Built Homes, New Technologies, and the Owner Builder Option
Black & Decker The Complete Outdoor Builder: From Arbors to Walkways: 150 DIY Projects

Monday, October 03, 2011
Home Builders of Tomorrow
Contracts With the Trades: Scope of Work Models for Home Builders

Basic Business Management: A Guide for Small Volume Home Builders

Green from the Ground Up: Sustainable, Healthy, and Energy-Efficient Home Construction (Builder's Guide)

Daily Field Guide: A Logbook for Home Builders, Second Edition

Dream Homes Georgia: An Exclusive Showcase of Georgia's Finest Architects, Designers and Builders

Loaded with hundreds of photographs of high-end custom homes, these gorgeous books are a treat for lovers of residential architecture and a resource for people planning to build their own one-of-a-kind houses. Profiles of top architects and information on local builders and suppliers provide an overview of regional styles and preferences in each city.
Atlanta, Savannah, Sea Island, and St. Simons Island are featured in this collection of stunning custom homes in Georgia. Architects profiled include Bill Harrison, Norm Askins, and William T. Baker, and builders profiles include James Cotton of Builders II; Dean Johnson of Johnson, Williams and Harris; and Harry Beecham of Beecham Builders.
Sunday, October 02, 2011
NAHB's Home Builder's Handbook

Who better to meet the needs of the home builder than the organization that represents more than 200,000 home builders nationwide? In The NAHB Homebuilder’s Handbook, the NAHB has collected its industry expertise into one comprehensive resource just for your needs. This quick-answer guidebook helps you problem-solve in every area of your business. You get solutions that streamline your work, cut costs, and save you time -- in the office and onsite.
Look between its pages for:
Checklists, up-to-date code information, and technical data in an at-a-glance format
Budget-sparing safety and regulatory solutions
Guidelines for estimating, scheduling, quality control, and boosting sales
A handy set of personalized management, accounting, and business tools just for home builders
Reliable guidance on contractual and legal issues
Commercial Building: An Introduction for Home Builders
The Contractor's Legal Kit: The Complete User-Friendly Legal Guide for Home Builders and Remodelers

Contractors will never again be without the legal information they need. This user-friendly guide for home builders and remodelers includes a free CD-ROM with legal forms and contracts available to copy and adapt for their needs.
Housing construction process flow manual: a manual to help small-volume home builders plan, schedule, and monitor construction


Joseph Eichler, a truly progressive builder, whose untiring efforts have advanced greatly the concepts of todays development houses, this book is respectfully dedicated.
Home Esteem Builders: Activities Designed to Strengthen the Partnership Between the Home and School
Saturday, October 01, 2011
Sales and Marketing Checklists for Profit-Driven Home Builders

Estimating With Excel: Unlocking the Power for Home Builders, 2nd Edition

Carpentry and Interior Finish: More Tricks of the Trade from an Old-Style Carpenter (Home Builder's Library)

Homeowner Manual : A Template for Home Builders 2nd Edition

Carpentry and Exterior Finish: Some Tricks of the Trade from an Old-Style Carpenter (Home Builder's Library)
Documents, Contracts, and Worksheets for Home Builders

Friday, September 30, 2011
Social Media for Home Builders 2.0: It's Easier Than You Think

Social Media for Home Builders 2.0: It s Easier Than You Think is designed to help readers understand social media and construct a strategic plan for attracting more prospects, following up on leads, and closing more homes.
The updated edition includes even more examples, details, and strategies than the first edition, featuring
* examples of specific social media campaigns and their sales results by builder type
* sample tweets and Twitter campaigns to draw foot traffic to homes and communities
* new research on how people are using social media
Carol Flammer outlines in a clear, concise style how to engage consumers through social media. She provides content suggestions for creating a blog and keeping it going. Specific blog content and real-life examples of blogs that attracted readers are included.
Social Media for Home Builders 2.0 also explains how to
* Improve search engine optimization (SEO)
* Win friends and followers
* Find the right groups
* Run campaigns
* Optimize websites, blogs, and other social networking sites
* Track, analyze, and improve results
Marketing Made Easy!: Basics for Home Builders

2009 Home Builders' Jobsite Codes: A Quick Guide to the 2009 International Residential Code

Garden & home builder (Volume 1)

Independent Builder: Designing & Building a House Your Own Way (Real Goods Independent Living Book)

The Real Goods Independent Builder develops subjects not covered thoroughly in other books, but critical to success:
Scheduling for Home Builders with Microsoft Project

Thursday, September 29, 2011
ValueMatch Selling for Home Builders: How to Sell What Matters Most

Tomorrow's house: a complete guide for the home-builder

Coastal Design: A Guide for Builders, Planners, and Home Owners
Key Features:
* Discusses how to know your market to increase sales
* Outlines systems to improve business management practices
* Describes how to develop and promote your marketing message
* Provides design hot buttons
* Discusses how to hire and motivate good people
Home Builder's Guide to Continuous Improvement: Schedule, Quality, Customer Satisfaction, Cost, and Safety

From Good Market Research to Great Marketing: A How-To Guide for Home Builders
You are probably conducting informal market research already. Find out how to analyze and use this information to your greatest advantage in From Good Market Research to Great Marketing: A How-to Guide for Home Builders. Collecting market and buyer information requires skills you can readily learn with a little practice.The potential for increasing profits is enormous.
New home marketing expert Colleen Edwards discusses how to determine your audience, develop a product that meets their needs, and promote your homes and services to this target audience. From low cost market research you can conduct yourself to advice on hiring a consultant, Edwards examines a wide variety of market research techniques.
Making Ourselves at Home: Women Builders and Designers

Wednesday, September 28, 2011
The Honest House; Presenting Examples of the Usual Problems Which Face the Home-Builder, Together With an Exposition of the Simple

Estimating for Home Builders

What's It Like to Be a Home Builder
Computer Estimating for Home Builders

Building Your Own House: Everything You Need to Know about Home Construction from Start to Finish

Social Media for Home Builders: It's Easier Than You Think!

Family Fragrance: Practical intentional ways to fill your home with the aroma of love (Heritage Builders (Chariot Victor))

Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Plan Reading for Home Builders
12 Unique & Innovative Green Home Designs from The Green Builder (The Learn2Build Green Building a Better Future Series)

"12 Unique & Innovative Green Home Designs from The Green Builder" shows you that building a green home is just as affordable as a 'standard' home, giving you year round comfort, higher air quality, increased energy savings and a better way of life.
The 12 concept designs found in "12 Unique & Innovative Green Home Designs from The Green Builder" prove that a green home can be modern, sleek and effective, and all at the same price as a standard home.
Customer Service for Home Builders

Sears, Roebuck Home Builder's Catalog: The Complete Illustrated 1910 Edition

The Cob Builders Handbook: You Can Hand-Sculpt Your Own Home

"I believe that building with cob is a way to recreate community and experience the joy of working together while taking back the right to build our own homes and look after our Mother Earth."
She loves doing something that makes sense in a world where lots of things don't.
Home Builders' Jobsite Codes: A Pocket Guide to the 2006 International Residential Code

Monday, September 26, 2011
Building With an Attitude: How to Analyze, Understand, Improve, and Enjoy the Home Building Business

Key Features:
* Discusses how to know your market to increase sales
* Outlines systems to improve business management practices
* Describes how to develop and promote your marketing message
* Provides design hot buttons
* Discusses how to hire and motivate good people
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
Patios and Walkways 1-2-3: Design and Build Beautiful Outdoor Living Spaces (Expert Advice from the Home Depot)

• Provides step-by-step instructions, timeframe for completing plus skills and materials lists
• "Wisdom of the Aisles" on every page guarantees success
• Details how to design, layout, maintain, and work with a variety of materials in building patios and walkways
• Features walkways using soft set paths, hard bed paths, brick and paver patterns, and boardwalks
Dream Homes New England: Showcasing New England's Finest Architects, Designers and Builders

Representing all facets of northeastern architecture and home design, highly regarded architects present their captivating ocean-side residences of Nantucket, rustic woodland homes in upstate New York, and Boston’s aesthetic modern dwellings. Talented local architects Patrick Ahearn and Kevin Schopfer explain their ?hybrid” approach, while Jim Kellerher of Axiom Architects shares his philosophies on the significance of conservatively sized spaces and the effects of hurricane rebuilds.
Home Building Pitfalls

From choosing the right community through the final inspection, Home Building Pitfalls has the new home buying tips and tricks you must have to be on equal footing with your builder including:
How to avoid the "model home trap" used by every big builder
How to prevent your builder's assembly line construction techniques from getting in the way of the quality and craftsmanship you deserve
How to discover if your builder is telling the truth about claims of superior quality and customer satisfaction
How to prevent damaging mold growth that has become so common in new homes
The tactics used by new home sales people to "up-sell" and persuade you to unnecessarily spend thousands of extra dollars
How your builder’s attorneys are working overtime to make sure they have the upper hand... and what you can do to foil their efforts!
How you can protect yourself from the exclusions and exceptions in most new home warranties.
How to avoid the biggest scam you will encounter when buying a home - The Home Inspector Scam.
Your New House: The Alert Consumer's Guide to Buying and Building a Quality Home

Building a Successful Home Staging Business: Proven Strategies from the Creator of Home Staging

In 1972, Barb Schwarz coined the term "Staging" to refer to the process of preparing a home for sale, and turned her idea into a brand new industry. Today, thanks to Schwarz's pioneering efforts, Home Staging has become a big business with enormous profit potential.
If you are thinking about starting a Home Staging business of your own or just want to improve upon an existing one, then Building a Successful Home Staging Business is the book for you. Written in a straightforward and accessible style, this practical guide will show you exactly how to set up a Home Staging business, and help you run and maintain the business as it grows. Some of the issues outlined throughout these pages include:
How to write a business plan, market your company, and make the most of your resources
How to work through the consulting, bidding, and Staging processes
How to establish solid relationships with real estate agents and brokers
How to obtain your Accredited Staging Professional (ASP) designation
Filled with in-depth insights, expert advice, and proven strategies that Schwarz has developed over the course of her stellar career, Building a Successful Home Staging Business will put you in the perfect position to profit from the many opportunities that exist in this dynamic market.
Updating Classic America Bungalows: Design Ideas for Renovating, Remodeling, and Building New

Monday, August 22, 2011
Easy-Living Homes: 200 Exciting Plans for Active Adults, Professional Couples & Empty-Nesters (Blue Ribbon Designer Series)

Turn your dream of a custom home into reality!
Thinking about building your own home? This easy-to-follow guide shows you how to plan and build a beautiful home on any budget. From acquiring land to finding the best architect to overseeing the construction, you get lots of savvy tips on managing your new investment wisely -- and staying sane during the process!
Discover how to:
* Find the best homesite
* Navigate the plan approval process
* Obtain financing
* Hire the right contractor
* Cut design and construction costs
* Avoid common mistakes
Disaster Hits Home: New Policy for Urban Housing Recovery

Through case studies of six recent urban disasters--Hurricane Hugo in South Carolina, Hurricane Andrew in Florida, the Loma Prieta and Northridge earthquakes in California, as well as earthquakes in Mexico City and Kobe, Japan--Comerio demonstrates that several fundamental factors have changed in contemporary urban disasters. The foremost change is in scale, and as more Americans move to the two coasts, future losses will continue to be formidable because of increased development in these high-hazard areas. Moreover, the visibility of disasters in the news media will assure that response efforts remain highly politicized. And finally, the federal government is now expected to be on the scene with personnel, programs, and financial assistance even as private insurance companies are withdrawing disaster coverage from homeowners in earthquake- and hurricane-prone regions.
Demonstrating ways that existing recovery systems are inadequate, Comerio proposes a rethinking of what recovery means, a comprehensive revision of the government's role, and more equitable programs for construction financing. She offers new criteria for a housing recovery policy as well as real financial incentives for preparedness, for limiting damage before disasters occur, and for providing a climate where private insurance can work. Her careful analysis makes this book important reading for policymakers, property owners, and anyone involved in disaster mitigation.
People Power : The Building of a New European Home